--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> suzmccarth wrote:
> >
> > Actually I saw this term recently on the ANTHRO-L listserv,
> > (published by Computing and IT, Buffalo) and I don't know who
> > what from that page but this is the link. (Probably useless
> > it is too long.)
> >
> > http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9912&L=anthro-
> > l&F=&S=&P=39057
> If a link is too long, you cut and paste.
> The URL takes you to a quote OF ME explaining why neosyllabary
> NOT be used. Yet you quote that back to me as an example of the
use of
> the word!!
All I am saying is that you are, in fact, familiar with the word
which I find out after, not before, you question my use of it. The
fact that you abhor the word doesn't particularly interest me.

I still have difficulties accepting logographic being defined as
phonographic which ... or a syllabary which ....

What I am looking for is something that will predict or suggest a
range of possible input methods. Indeed it turned out that my
thinking about Tamil was in the ballpark. The syllabic conjuncts in
the display of the font in the new Uniscribe version, but not in the
older version, was as I had hoped. The syllabic input method MS
Tamil IME that I had imagined was in fact created as I had imagined
in minute detail by Bhashaindia. This input method in a superficial
way looks more like the input method for Chinese than any other
input method for any language that I have seen yet. I am not sure
that it will become accepted but my question is how did this come
about - not my idea. I am an observer of this product and potential
consumer. I amy be wrong but, somehow, other people are thinking
about Tamil in the same way that I am and some of them are probably
native speakers.

Unfortunately I made some errors originally since Office 2000 did
not support Unicode. In fact, forums are littered with others like
me complaining tht Windows does not support unicode. When someone
explained to me how to find my USP10.ddl files the issue was

Suzanne McCarthy
> Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...