--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, John Cowan <cowan@...> wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels scripsit:
> > Yes. "Logographic" means that what the symbol encodes is a word
> > morpheme, to be more precise). Or, as C. F. Hockett put it, a
> > logographic system is a syllabary that distinguishes homophones.
> Why call it "logographic" if it encodes morphemes rather than
> That merely confuses the issue when dealing with genuine logograms
> (which do exist, even though there are no genuinely logographic
> writing systems).
> --
> John Cowan www.ccil.org/~cowan www.reutershealth.com cowan@...
This confuses me as well. Would it not be accurate to call the
Chinese writing system a syllabary which maps a language with a
relatively high ratio of syllable to morpheme correspondance?
Suzanne McCarthy