Nicholas Bodley <nbodley at speakeasy dot net> wrote, among much else:

> On further thought, perhaps when learning to read and write,
> unconsciously I developed something like logographic recognition in
> combination with phonetic, and might be using it more than I
> consciously realize. Some misspelled words look so dramatically wrong
> to me that I regard them as I would a simple line sketch of a human
> face with too many or too few eyes, or lips beside each other.
> I'ts not my intention to boast, but I have had indecently little
> trouble with spelling, and never understood why. Perhaps it's a visual
> memory (typeface-independent! Unicode in my head! :) )

When I hear a name or other word that I've never heard before, I
immediately try to visualize how it is spelled.

I understand this is fairly unusual, and may help explain why I'm also a
good speller.

-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California