Young-Key Kim-Renaud scripsit:

> Linear writing is called "p'uro ssugi (take apart and write)" in
> contrast with the usual "moa ssugi (gather together and write)". As
> far as Korean writing is concerned, writing linearly or in syllable
> blocks is an orthographic issue, not a typological question. That is
> why Korean writing is not a syllabary but an alphabet.


> The fact that the
> proposal for linear writing did not really go anywhere--in spite of the
> several orthographic reforms Korean writing has undergone--demonstrates
> the efficiency of writing in syllable blocks.

This argues beyond the data. It may merely demonstrate the mighty
force of tradition, like the QWERTY keyboard, which may not be good
but is good enough to survive.

There are three kinds of people in the world: John Cowan
those who can count,
and those who can't. jcowan@...