--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, John
Cowan <cowan@...> wrote:
> John Jenkins scripsit:
> > The first Ethiopic proposal for Unicode did this, [...]
> > UCAS, and Linear B have no significant regular glyphic
> > features to use as the basis for a sub-syllabic encoding.
> Ethiopic and UCAS could easily have been done abugida-style with
> just mandatory ligatures to generate the appropriate glyphs, not
> even full Indic shaping.
> I think the important factor was the way the users thought of the
> characters -- as syllabograms.

Well, my Tamil student brought his pen and paper matrix of
syllabagrams to school with him clutched in his hot little hand and
it certainly can be found on the internet. This is one that I have
copied onto my site. It wasn't hard to find.

> --
> John Cowan <jcowan@...> http://www.reutershealth.com
> "But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Eowyn I am,
Eomund's daughter.
> You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not
> For living or dark undead, I will smite you if you touch him."