cowan@... wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels scripsit:
> > "Underlying" has no place in this sort of phonemic analysis. It _is_
> > Halleism. (Chomsky bears little responsibility for "generative"
> > phonology.)
> If his name's on it, he's responsible, unless you argue that this is
> another case like that of Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow. (Ralph Alpher continues
> to resent the joke, which was entirely Gamow's idea.)

I've never seen his first name before. Seems like it's his parents he
ought to resent. (Cf. a character on *Happy Days*.)

Herbert Penzl and Herbert Paper always promised to write an article
together, but they never did. (The former was an Anglist, the latter is
an Iranist.)

I thought Morris Philipson of the U of Chicago Press and Philip Morison
of MIT and SciAm should do so, too, but they didn't, either.

> Anyway, I see the difference as one of degree, not as one of kind.

He may bear legal responsibility, since they used his name to sell
books, but he's not responsible for the ideas. They're all in Halle's
1959 *Sound Pattern of Russian*.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...