At 16:52 -0500 2003-02-18, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
>Michael Everson wrote:
>> At 08:24 -0500 2003-02-18, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
>> >Michael Everson wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The opening titles of the new film Daredevil are rather nice,
>> >> morphing Braille patterns taken from the lights of windows on city
>> >> skyscrapers into Latin letters...
>> >
>> >I gather that would be the _only_ thing about that movie that is rather
>> >nice ... is there a theme of blindness in it, or did someone have a
>> >clever idea that got wasted?
>> The hero is blind with a kind of super-radar compensatory sense. It
>> *is* a comic book....
>Yeah, but Superman and Spiderman and (sometimes) Batman yield decent
Boy is this off topic.
Yes, the comics do yield good films, as they ought to. X-Men was the
best of the lot so far, followed by Spiderman, at least in terms of
recreating the feel f the original with style and authenticity. I
will say that Daredevil was credible from my point of view (I was
very much a comic devotee in my youth). Alas only the first two
Batmans [sic I am sure] can be taken seriously. One looks forward to
the Hulk, which should be fun. Superman? The first was noble enough;
the rest are rather dated by now. In my opinion. :-)
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *