Marco Cimarosti wrote:
> John H. Jenkins wrote:
> > My Longman's dictionary includes grade numbers in the entries
> > for each character.
> Nice. That's what I'd have wanted when I was studying Chinese, because it
> gives you the sense of whether it is OK that you don't know that certain
> character, at the your stage of study, or you should do all efforts to
> memorize it now.

Haven't I seen ads for sets of flash cards that come in packs for each
level of study?

No, I think I might have seen the actual thing as a required purchase
among the course books at one of our college bookstores.

And they're very expensive and it would be good for your
brush-calligraphy to make your own, anyway!

I was at the main circulating library today (Mid-Manhattan, Fifth Ave. &
40th St.) and remembered to look in the books of elementary Chinese
characters from Beijing, and indeed none of them gave frequency info or
the sets to be learned each year (like you can find very easily for
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...