Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> 2003-01-23 10:17:17, Michael Everson <everson@...>
> wrote:
> >At 10:00 -0500 2003-01-23, John Cowan wrote:
> >
> >>Are there any abugidas that don't have explicit or implicit virama
> Although I do hope to obtain a copy of WWS, in the meantime,
> it might be helpful to those of us (anyone else?) who are
> here to learn (aren't we all?)... to have a concise glossary
> of such terms as one finds in The Unicode Standard book;
> specifically, terms in the general category of virama,
> candrabindu, tatweel, etc.
Those aren't grammatology terms, they're Sanskrit philology terms (the
last one seems to be Arabic, though).
> This glossary could placed in the nice Qalam online reference
> section.
> While browsing in Schoenhof's book store*, I met a linguist
> who told me what at candrabindu is, and corrected my
> pronunciation. ("chandrabindu" is apparently correct.) We had
> a lovely time chatting.
> *A splendid place; they carry books in the largest number of
> languages in the Western Hemisphere, so they say. Just off
> Harvard Square...
The last time I was there, it sure wasn't what it used to be. I doubt
it's regressed, so ... it ain't what it used to be.
Peter T. Daniels