Etaonsh wrote:
> My system (as if in disgust) doesn't
> want to tag a reply to your last
> post. I understand neither the
> import, purport nor the relevance of
> your 'cutting' remark,
> but if I can
> move swiftly on to your more
> civilised errors:
I often do error, and like to admit *when* I do one.
> 1) a Hispanic contributor in fact
> drew our attention to the
> Celtiberian 'abade,' also, within
> the recent thread.
Yes, I remember he did (although I din't know or care whether he was
Hispanic or what else).
Where is my error?
> 2) AIUI, the Germanic 'runes' are
> also thought to be derived from the
> Etruscan alphabet.
I heard this before, and never denied it.
Where is my error?
_ Marco