> Michael Everson wrote:
> My informant informs me:
> >As far as I know, Cyrillic letters are still used numerically in
> >Russian Church Slavonic. I just pulled Alypii's Church Slavonic
> >Grammar (Jordanville, NY, 1984; first ed. 1964) off my shelf, and
> >although the pages are numbered with Arabic numerals, the chapters
> >and verses in the sample texts (from the Acts of the Apostles) at
> >the back of the book are numbered with Cyrillic letters. Note that
> >this is a grammar of modern Russian Church Slavonic, not Old Church
> >Slavonic.
> --
> Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * * http://www.evertype.com
Thanks for the quick response! I'm not at all surprised that it's still
used liturgically, since this is the only context where most alphabetic
numerals continue to be used today.
Stephen Chrisomalis
Department of Anthropology, McGill University