Hello everybody,

On 10-oct-02, R.C. wrote:

> I don't want to stir up the old Amiga-Atari controversy,

Yes, it's a bit oldfashioned. :)

> but don't you think that the platform has nothing to do with it?

In the case of Amiga. No wordprocessor support Unicode. And neither the
last update of the OS (3.9).
Only one recent attempt to bring Unicode (through sets of bitmap fonts,
but still only with 256 characters each) has been made, but with no
software supporting it at the moment.

> The Atari operating system -being from the mid 80-ies - doesn't
> know a bit about Unicode, but the word processor Papyrus can easily
> recognize Unicode and provided I have the right (True Type) fonts
> for it can even print Japanese or Chinese text, using fonts that
> largely exceed the 255 characters...

So, since Papyrus is being developped for Amiga PPC (for OS 4 and
Morphos only), we can expect to have at least one wordprocessor supporting

But, usually 256 characters is enough. The only important
alphabets/syllabyries I can't handle are Korean, Chinese and Kanji. For
Hiragana and katakana, I have some fonts which are quite very good.

David bonnet.

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