
Marco Cimarosti wrote:


>So, I'm not the only one who wastes his time with
this kind of games. :-)

*And consequently me neither. Always good to know
that. What languages are you adapting to? Me: mainly
to my Swiss-German dialect, to standard German and to
Spanish, sometimes (i.e. only with tengwar) to French
and English.


>Before you explain the system, could you just reveal
the first few syllables of the Spanish text written in
the sample? I am curious to see if I or somebody else
can figure out how the script works.

*Funny game. I don't know if you're familiar with
spanish. Anyway, I'll just suppose it and therefor I'm
not going to give you the first syllables, but the
first words in standard orhography, only to make it a
little bit more sophisticated. It begins as following:

Sorpresa. Hoy he entrado en un modo de caminar que ...

It's a poem but I've forgotten the poet.

I've checked the text up: there should be no scribal
error. (Exept a systematic one i.e. I've changed a
detail in the system since I made that text.) The
Spanish I've used is a south america one, but for
these few word that doesn't matter. (I just neither
distinguish _casa_ from _caza_ nor _haya_ from

I'm curious if you'll find out something. If you don't
know any Spanish or don't get along, I still can
indicate you the syllables.

good luck!

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