This came to me today from ABE Bookfinders, but I already have a
copy. An interesting book about Arabic typographical experimentation.
At 09:26 -0800 2002-03-21, <
wants@...> wrote:
>To Michael Everson (EVERSON)
>The following wants have been matched by ABE:
>Your Want:
>Title: Pour une typographie arabe; Author: Hamm, Roberto; Publisher:
>Sindbad, Paris;
>Has been matched with the following book(s):
>To update or delete this want click here:
>1. Pour une Typographie arabe. Contribution technique à la
>démocratisation de la culture arabe. by Hamm, Roberto Paris,
>Sindbad, 1975 In-8, br., 196 pages (Keywords: TEXTE ARABE
>The price of the book is EUR 26.00 Carte bleu - American express - Visa
> Please reference the seller's book # 1069 when ordering.
>To order this book click here:
>The seller is Librairie Galerie Maître Albert
>12 rue Maitre Albert , Paris, 75, France, 75005.
><mailto:librairiemaitrealbert@...> Ph: 33-(0)143 29 97 18
>Fax: 33- (0)1 43 29 97 18
>Terms of sale: Conforme au usages des libraires du livres anciens et modernes
Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***