John Hudson <
tiro@...> wrote:
> The term 'Latinisation' has been used by some type designers on the ATypI
> members discussion list to describe the influence of Latin type design on
> the typographic evolution of other scripts (Armenian is often cited as an
> example). I don't know of a more general term, and the usage is confusing
> in any case since 'Cyrillisation' is used in the same community to refer to
> the development of Cyrillic typefaces based on existing Latin designs.
It gets worse, because "Cyrillization" (or "Cyrillification") was also used in
the pre-Unicode days to describe the addition of Cyrillic support to a
previously Latin-only application or system, such as early versions of MS-DOS.
(Another term used to describe this was "Russification." I'll bet the
Ukrainians, Belarussians, etc. just loved that.)
-Doug Ewell
posting from work in Irvine, California