John Cowan wrote:
> william bright wrote:
> > Peter Daniels wrote:
> > >Dutch law has little to say about US journals (except as under the
> > >Universal Copyright Convention).
> The UCC is pretty much a dead letter, since all signatories are
> now also members of the Berne Convention. Copyright laws are actually
> remarkably uniform around the world, with differences like the
> status of "the moral right to be known as the author", which e.g.
> applies to all works in France, but only to visual works in the U.S.
> > as far as i can find, the urbana collection doesn't *have* a copyright
> > notice!
> Copyright notices are no longer required; since 1976 in the U.S.,
> since much earlier in other countries. A work once "fixed in a tangible
> medium", such as paper, stone, or hard disk, is automatically
> copyrighted. Using the copyright notice is still legally useful,
> for it prevents the defense of "I didn't know it was copyrighted."

Without the notice, you can't tell who to ask for permission to reprint.
I'm pretty sure I signed the standard copyright assignment form to the U
of I.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...