Michael Everson escribió:

>>If just Michael Everson was not so strict requesting a font, the bolo'bolo
>>asa'pili ideographs (http://correcotia.com/bolobolo/contracapa.htm) would
>>have been there too!
> If there isn't a font, there obviously isn't any need to exchange data.

How many of the scripts already listed in ConScript (at any level of proposal or
registration) have a font available?

Many proposals do not even include a table of characters (or glyphs; take your
pick), but only a link to the creator's Web site, which may no longer exist or
may no longer include anything about the script. This is especially true of the
numerous Herman Miller scripts; Miller has redone his site such that most of his
"old," CSUR-enshrined scripts are gone.

If these scripts had a font, as newly proposed scripts are required to have,
then it would be trivial to create code charts for them and thus bootstrap the
CSUR registrations away from the ephemeral nature of their creators' Web sites.

-Doug Ewell
posting from work in Irvine, California