Peter: To some extent you are responsible. To prevent the visual
advertisements you need to go to your My Preferences and click on No
Conversion for HTML.
This will only slow them down a bit however. Yahoo works these as a
reverse "penalty." If you are on No Conversion and the person to whom
you are sending the email is not, they get an ad. That includes the
entire list. The Yahoo Robot sees this as a "permission." If this
person sends an email to you, you could get an ad. As can the entire
list. But there is a dwindling effect, the more no conversions, the
less ads. If _everyone_ on the list clicks on No Conversion: no
permission, no visual ads. Note: You will still get text ads.
The relatively new (about a month ago) pop-up ads that occur when
posting from within the (any) site can only be avoided by posting from
your own email server.
Note on copyright. Yahoo TOC forbids posting or uploading copyrighted
materal. The list could be automatically closed for this infringement.
--- In qalam@..., "Seshat Trismegistos" <seshat@...> wrote:
> Peter Constable wrote:
> > BTW: I wasn't responsible for the following advert! :-)
> You are innocent. It is the Yahoo!Groups web interface that automatically adds those adverts at the bottom. This is how we "pay" for this "free" service.
> If you can't stand this, you should only post through e-mail (i.e.,
send a mail to qalam@...).