On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 08:08:09AM -0500, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> I did, though, spend a long time trying to find *anything at all* on
> "Klingon" scripts. There's nothing in Okrand's books as they were
> available ca. 1993, nothing in any of the other ST books then available;

The glyphs are used in Star Trek, but their use as a writing system is
completely unofficial. (Although the original, anonymous source
allegedly came from inside the company that designed the glyphs.)
It's a simple alphabetic system, with nothing tricky.

David Starner - dstarner98@...
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
"I saw a daemon stare into my face, and an angel touch my breast; each
one softly calls my name . . . the daemon scares me less."
- "Disciple", Stuart Davis