Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> Peter_Constable@... wrote:
> >
> > >* Peter T. Daniels
> > >|
> > >| There's only one alphabet.
> >
> > I forgot to respond to this earlier: Only one? Cyrillic and
> Latin and
> > Greek and Armenian and Georgian are all the same script?
> Of course. See any history of THE alphabet.
> (I mean, obviously, it was only invented once.)


What do you mean by "inventing the alphabet"? If you are talking about the
Semitic "alphabet", then this may be true, but it defeats the abjad vs.
alphabet classification. I mean: when the alphabet was invented, it was not
an alphabet...

On the other hand, if you mean the time when the Greeks reassigned some
letters to the vowels, then this clashes against the fact that the same
process has been run over again by the Hebrew script, when it has been
adapted to Yiddish.

_ Marco