Michael Everson wrote:
> At 00:36 +0100 2001-11-09, Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
> >That's an answer that makes sense, but it does seem that the abugida
> >class needs a little stretching to make Cree fit into it. It doesn't
> >seem that the designers of Cree thought the characters had any
> >inherent vowel, but the "consistent modifications" are there.
> Yes, each character has an inherent vowel, except for the small
> superscript finals. The rotation tells the reader which vowel it is.
> >See p. 582 of B&D, or <URL: http://www.ontopia.net/i18n/script.jsp?id=tengwar
> I'd be happy to sign up to write an article on Tolkien's scripts for
> D&B if it ever gets revised. :-)
You'll see they're mentioned in ยง 52, but I didn't even *try* asking
Houghton Mifflin for permission to reproduce the charts (let alone
create fonts), thinking that since they haven't been commercialized
anywhere, they are (quite rightly) not willing to license them for any
use anywhere.
I did, though, spend a long time trying to find *anything at all* on
"Klingon" scripts. There's nothing in Okrand's books as they were
available ca. 1993, nothing in any of the other ST books then available;
I know only that they were made of wedges something like Ugaritic
(because I saw the very first ST movie and they appeared on computer
screens for a moment). There may have been something in the "Technical
Manuals" associated with that movie, but they're long unavailable.
Peter T. Daniels