Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> Peter_Constable@... wrote:
> >
> > I'm just reading a colleague's recently-completed MA thesis on
> > electronic representation of writing system descriptions,
> and that led
> > me to an insight that pertains to this recent thread:
> None of this looks familiar -- was it a qalam thread?

No, it was on the Unicode List. The starting message is

(Please do not reply to <unicode@...>: that's just a relay
archive. The real Unicode List is <unicode@...>, which ca be reached
through <>)

The discussion branched from the announcement of Lars Marius Garshol's site
about writing systems (<>), which is
organized according to "Daniels & Bright" classification of writing systems.
But people on the Unicode List started disagreeing on the meaning of some
terms, especially "featural".

_ Marco