On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 Marco Cimarosti <marco.cimarosti@...> wrote:


> BTW, a totally unrelated question: has any European language ever been
> written in Arabic letters? Either when Arabs dominated Spain and Sicily or
> (more recently) when Turks dominated the Balkans.

Some religious writings of Lithuanian and Polish Tartars were
respectively in Lithuanian or Polish but written in Arabic script.
For more details cf.

Czesław Łapicz
Kitab Tatarów litewsko-polskich
(paleografia, grafia, język)
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
Toruń 1986
ISBN 83-231-0073-X



dr hab. Janusz S. Bien, prof. UW
Prof. Janusz S. Bien, Warsaw Uniwersity
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