Dear Arabist's,

Does someone please know about a recent survey or
study about character encoding systems that are used
for Arabic Web sites (over the world) ?

If possible I would like to collect a kind of "classification"
with some correct and precise numbers and percentages
between the various used encoding systems
(ASMO, DOS, ISO-6, CP1256, Unicode, ...).

If possible I also would like to know the percentage of
Arabic Web pages that are composed of scanned texts (GIFs).

I promise to share this information with you.
I know it is useful for most of us.

Shukran in advance.
Malek Boualem
Dr Malek Boualem
France Telecom R&D - DMI/GRI
2, avenue Pierre Marzin - 22307 Lannion - France
Tel: (33)(0)
Fax: (33)(0)
Email: malek.boualem@...
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