This is regarding my birthday message issue. I found some help on translating the message to Egyptian hierogliphics from the latin alphabet. But the next stage is what kind of paper should I look for to write the message on.
I have a decent Rotring ArtPen which I can use to "try to" draw the figures. As far as I know ancient people used to write on Papirus. What should I use that is easily purchasable so that it looks proper?
Thanks for those who gave an introduction to the topic. I will contact them sometime later in case I need further assistance on translation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Taner Girgin
To: qalam@egroups.com
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 12:44 AM
Subject: Hieroglphics.

Hi All,
I've recently joined your group. I am a 29 years old Turkish engineer. To be honest with you, though I did try calligraphy, my aim is to have some practical help with Egyptian hierogliphics to write a birthday message. I saved a web page that shows latin alphabet versus hierogliphics sketches. But according to the page, looks like some latin characters have the same hieroglphics counter-parts. Is that the case? Besides, there are figures representing more than one characters, or let's say: sounds.
Is there someone out there who can help me? Any online reference would also be great.