Hi Peter,

Do you want to know all this, or are you just making a point?  ;)

Actually, this has helped. Based on your questions and the consideration of what you and many others have said, I believe I will apply to Archaeology programs and focus on the geographical area of New England, where I live.

It's a starting point, anyway.


"Peter T. Daniels" wrote:

Cathy Waldman wrote:

> Still, a specific dept to apply to *would* be useful...
> :)
> thx!
> Cathy

Well, what country are you a citizen of? If the US, what state? Where
did you do your undergraduate degree, and what was your major? What
aptitudes have you demonstrated? Will you need a scholarship/fellowship,
or can you finance your own education?

There are many, many, many factors involved in such things!
Peter T. Daniels     grammatim@...

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Something deeply hidden had to be behind things.

    ~ Albert Einstein (autobiographical handwritten note)