
Did anyone read these two books and wish to comment on them?

o S.R. Fischer, *Glyphbreaker*


o J. Faucounau, *Le déchifferement du disque de Phaistos. Preuves et

I confess that I haven't read them myself. I tried with Glyphbreaker, but
when I discovered that *two* decipherments were being described in the same
book, I had an attack of hysterical skepticism, and I haven't been able to
recover reading so far. The Déchiffrement is on my bookshelf, and on my
to-do list, but I haven't gone past the introduction (I have apreciated,
however, that Faucounnau does not tell me about the troubles and pains of
his life).

What blocks me reading is perhaps that I don't have the technical knowledge
to really make up my opinion, so I feel as if I were reading a crime novel
whose last few pages (where you discover whodunit) are missing...

Moreover, does anyone have comments about the many other "decipherments"
listed in, e.g:

o http://users.otenet.gr/~svoronan/phaistos.htm
o http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~lipi/archaeology/haistoslinks.html

_ Marco