Robert Wheelock wrote:
> Hello! A while back, I came across a codepage for the
> IPA phonic alphabet (which is usually lowercase
> unicasal) which had a 3-page (I think) .PDF file to
> download (which had the codepage table for IPA that
> would be the MS-Windows standard [or very close to
> it]). Would you know of where to look for it on the
> I-NET? Would you have a copy of that selfsame .PDF
> file yourself? How about native systems (languages in
> Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania, ...)?
I may be wrong, but I think the only character set that includes IPA special
characters is Unicode (, an encoding standard that
covers most (or all?) modern scripts used in the world.
On the Unicode site, there is a PDF file for each "block" (roughly
representing an alphabet), so maybe the file you remember was the one for
the Unicode IPA block (see in This would also
match your recall that it was the "MS-Windows standard": Unicode is in fact
the native encoding of Windows NT and other Microsoft operating systems.
I think that, before Unicode, IPA on computers was used mainly though "font
encoding". i.e.: you type in your text in a look-alike ASCII representation,
but using a special font where some letters have an "IPA look". E.g., you
type "[tSima'rOsti]" but, in your font, the capital "S" looks like an IPA
sh, capital "O" looks like an IPA open o (= upside down "c"), etc.
These "font encodings" are often an attempt to "beautify" the IPA look-alike
approximations that are used in e-mails and news groups (see, e.g.,
_ Marco