----- Original Message -----
From: "Rohit" <rdasari@...>
To: <phoNet@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:09 AM
Subject: [phoNet] Re: ts > c^

> Hi,
> Piotr will know better (duh) but lemme splash some mud around before
> he gets to answering this :)

I can hardly add anything except a general comment: c^ > ts is a rather
common change, and the reverse, while rarer, is not unheard-of.


> Marathi (spoken by @65 million mainly in Maharashtra, South-Central
> India, towards the West Coast) has a c^ > ts (e.g. /tsAkar/
> for /c^Akar/ meaning servant).
> The /ts/ > /c^/ change can be found in Telugu (spoken by @70 million
> mainly in Andhra Pradesh, South-Central India, towards the East
> Coast) has been influenced by and has influenced, among others, the
> language of the neighbouring Marathas (esp, the northern dialect
> spoken in the Telangana region). Eg. /tsApa/ (mat) to /c^Apa/. This
> change was an inevitable phonetic decay, despite an attempt at using
> an additional symbol to differentiate between the two phonemes during
> the standardisation of the Telugu alphabet effected by CP Brown
> during the Raj. In effect, /ts/ and /c^/ are allophones in Telugu
> now, but this was not so before, i.e., /tsApa/ meant mat, and /c^Apa/
> meant fish: nowadays both could mean either, though it must be said
> that /ts/ is rendered now only by punctilious (n-1)th generation
> prudes.
> --I think. :D
> Piotr, the floor is yours now [to tut tut and make corrections]
> Peace,
> Rohit
> PS: Telugu, though immensely Sanskritised by the (now assimilated)
> invaders, remains (at heart) a Dravidian Language. It has also come
> to inherit persian, arabic and turkish words over the centuries of
> muslim rule. Marathi is IE, though.
> --- In phoNet@yahoogroups.com, "altamix" <alxmoeller@t...> wrote:
> > I would like to ask if it is known any change of "ts" to "c^" in
> the IE
> > languages.To me it appears imposible a such change but it ought one
> asks
> > for learning some more.
> >
> > Alex