--- In phoNet@yahoogroups.com, "H.M. Hubey" <HubeyH@M...> wrote:
> Last Updated: Monday, 8 September, 2003, 08:31 GMT 09:31 UK
> Organ music 'instils religious feelings'
> By Jonathan Amos
> BBC News Online science staff, in Salford
> . . .
> But in a controlled experiment in which infrasound
> was pumped into a concert hall, UK scientists found they
> could instil strange feelings in the audience at will.
> These included an extreme sense of sorrow, coldness,
> anxiety and even shivers down the spine.

Like in 'Dune', when they used the "Voice"! So now let's
include the concept from 'Dune' of "genetic memories" into
the discussion of language evolution. ;-)
