On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 19:01:15 -0000 "wtsdv" <liberty@...> writes:
> > How do you pronounce 'top', 'bomb', 'calm', 'talk',
> > 'walk', 'horse' and 'hoarse'?
> Like this [tap], [bam], [kalm], [tak], [wak], [hOrs] and [hOrs].

i pronounce these as [t_hOp_}], [bO:m], [k_hA5m], [t_hA5k_}], [wA5k_}],
[hOr\s], and [hOr\s], and i speak what i consider to be standard north
american english...

> It's my perception that I have no [A] (if 'A' is the round, most
> open, back vowel),

[A] is unrounded.

and [O] seems to occur only before /r/ and /j/,
> or in the diphthong oi if the /j/ is objected to. Does this seem
> right? I once told my grandfather over the phone that my mother
> was at the doctor [dakt&r]. He said "[d�kt&r] what's a
> [d�kt&r]".

how do you pronounce words like 'long', 'song', etr.?

> That was the first time I wondered if my speech wasn't merging
> a back rounded vowel with the central low vowel. I also pronounce
> 'pen' [pIn], my sister Wendy's name [wIndi], but 'men' [mEn], and
> 'sent' [sEnt]. So there's some kind of odd mixture here. I've
> also noticed that most people pronounce a simple /w/ where I have
> /hw/, as in 'which', 'where', 'wheat' and have even been told
> that I pronounce 'who' as [xu], which I wouldn't think would be
> that odd in loud emotional speech, but apparently it stuck out
> for some.
> > When the going gets tough, I resort to Extended
> > SAMPA, save that I use '&' for schwa, as text after an at sign (@)
> gets
> > mangled in the archives to prevent spammers gathering e-mail
> > addresses. I can actually enter '�' from the keyboard -
> > alt/numlock/0230. Extended SAMPA is defined at
> > http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/sampa/ipasam-x.pdf .
> Thanks for the address. I also enter � with ALT 0230, but
> Ossetian friends tell me that it doesn't show up correctly
> in e-mail. I'm not sure why, it seems to work in my posts
> to cybalist, although maybe it's not showing correctly in
> people's individual deliveries.

i'd suggest using something else for the shwa, as & is commonly used for
�. perhaps *?

> David

Robert Wilson (aka kuvazokad, eltirno, ede�...)
http://www.kuvazokad.tk/ -- http://kuvazokad.free.fr/
vkky vnkynvj vknyknj ykkv knvy? karkalone kontoko? kinsi rorotan kinsa
nadas? baitta ke farzaiyai? qxrracc pqqattiircx iia kxqqhwiiallccre?
spreken �u viserdya? pake biru ka pa rede?

"boys speak in rhythm
and girls just lie."
-- anberlin - "foreign language"

"i put out disco's inferno in the early eighties
i would not be in a boy band, punk gets all the ladies
i could take the backstreet boys or hanson or n'sync
britney spears and ricky martin, we all think you stink"
-- trendy - "punk rocker"

"and i'm only gonna pierce my left ear
and i've been working on this mustache all summer long
and my favorite band will always be tears for fears
and i'm gonna wear a pink tux to the prom"
-- relient k - "in love with the 80's"

"don't try to shut me up
don't try to put words in my mouth
i'm not about plastic skin
i gotta get out, i gotta get out, in"
-- (hed) P.E. - "blackout"

narav teraz' iroti
kojes krat erarota
kuna, ysivaz' entas
naradas krat zuny narav
kuraz dityvyszi, radyji, sa rodyji
dimokrosi zosa endas
d' erensa dades kirs ins wiz

"They are not in Baghdad. They are not in control of any airport. I
tell you this. It is all a lie. They lie. It is a hollywood movie.
You do not believe them."
-- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information

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