The word is spelt <tidak> (the /k/ is
unreleased, I think). As in many Austronesian languages, voiceless /t/ and
voiced /d/ have, curiously enough, different places of articulation in
Indonesian, /t/ being (post)dental and /d/ having a rather retracted alveolar
articulation. It is not described as actually retroflex, but I suppose the
occurrence of /t/ and /d/ in adjacent syllables may strengthen the impression of
considerable articulatory contrast between them.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: [phoNet] Re: Retroflex Stops
An Indonesian I met this summer told me the word for "no" is
/tiTa/ I
haven't checked it out but the way she said it the second
(capitalised) /t/ sounded definitely retroflex.