Re: Jim – Unfortunate News – Passed Away Sat. June 29, 2019 at 2AM
From: Balaji Message: 5164 Date: 2019-07-03
Thanks a lot. And if we could assign full moderator rights to Dmytro as everyone has suggested. I feel we would make a fitting tribute to Jim by retaining his group, and also transferring moderatorship to someone qualified like Dmytro.
By the way, I've heard that spirits tend to be very sensitive to the merit of mettā and if they are still not reborn yet, they can greatly improve their chances for a higher birth by merely appreciating (anumodana/muditā) for our goodwill (mettā). Even if we can't transfer our merit directly to them, if they appreciate our good karma, through that appreciation itself they generate a "shadow" good karma.
I did not have much contact with Jim, but I spread thoughts of goodwill for him recently. But I hear others had closer contact with him. They may have made karma with him and such a karmic connection might help them greatly benefit Jim. If he doesn't need this and if he gets a good rebirth on the basis of his own puñña, that is great. But if not, we hope our thoughts of goodwill and our memory of his kindness help him.
I’m now in contact with Jim‘s family; if Yahoo requires a POA document, etc. to transfer ownership, please let me know and I’ll inquire with Jim’s family.
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