Re: Jim – Unfortunate News – Passed Away Sat. June 29, 2019 at 2AM

From: Assaji
Message: 5154
Date: 2019-07-02

Dear Robert,

When he started the group , some 18 years back, he added me as a moderator. During this time, there hasn't been a single post that had to be moderated by me - apparently Pali scholars are not especially prone to troll or giving out insults.

IMHO, the quiet and reserved character of Jim Anderson contributed to this as well. I will remember him as a fellow hermit.
 I still have moderator status, but have no idea whether that aids in administering the group (I think Jim was the only one with admin rights).

It's great we have you as a moderator, but this doesn't aid in administering the group.

So there are two issues:

1. Is there a possibility to recover the admin password?
This leads to a question of how we are to choose an admin, and what are the requirements for future admin(s).

2. Should we move to some other place like or whatever?
This requires answering first a question of how we are to make decisions - by voting, by delegating the decision to figures of authority, etc.?

Best wishes, Dmytro

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