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From: Eugen Ciurtin
Message: 5124
Date: 2019-02-06

New book and interview by Prof Gombrich.

Richard Gombrich‘s new book, Buddhism and Pali (Mud Pie Slices, 2018), puts the richness of the Pali language on display. He introduces the reader to the origins of Pali, its linguistic character, and the style of Pali literature. Far more than just an introductory book, Richard argues not only that the Pali Canon records the words of the Buddha, but that the Buddha himself is responsible for the Pali language. Richard shows that by learning about Pali, we learn about the spirit of Buddhism itself./

În mie., 6 feb. 2019 la 17:07, jimanderson.on@... [palistudy] <palistudy@yahoogroups.com> a scris:

Forwarding this email just in from PTS. Mention is made of the collection in PDFs being prepared by staff at the Robarts Library, University of Toronto which will be made available on a website.


From: pts@... <pts@...>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 8:51 AM
To: PTS <pts@...>
Subject: New Publication

Dear Members of the PTS,

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book:

The Catalogue of Manuscripts in the U Pho Thi Library, Thaton, Myanmar,
W. Pruitt, Y. Ousaka, S. Kasamatsu. Bristol: The Pali Text Society, 2019.

ISBN-10 0 86013 524 1
ISBN-13 978 086013 524 1

List price: £ 40.00

The Catalogue gives details of over 780 palm-leaf manuscripts and 5 parabaiks that will be made available as PDFs on a website being prepared by the staff of the Robarts Library, University of Toronto, Canada. In the meantime, scholars can request PDFs of individual texts by contacting the Pali Text Society. The texts cover a wide range of Pāli canonical texts, commentaries, and sub-commentaries. There are also many rare texts in Burmese, Burmese nissayas, and Mon nissayas. The project to photograph the manuscripts was sponsored by the Pali Text Society and financed by several generous grants from Japan.

Ms K. Wendland, M.A.
(Office Administrator)

Pali Text Society
c/o CPI Antony Rowe Ltd
Unit 4 Pegasus Way
Bowerhill Industrial Estate
Melksham, Wilts
SN12 6TR, U.K.

URL: http://www.palitext.com


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