FW: New PTS Publication

From: jimanderson.on@...
Message: 5106
Date: 2018-11-30

Dear Members,


Please find below the PTS announcemetnt of the publication of Vol. I. of the translation of the Kaṅkhvitaraṇī.


Best wishes,




From: pts@... <pts@...>
Sent: November 29, 2018 10:38 AM
To: PTS <pts@...>
Subject: New Publication / Free Book 2018


Dear Members of the PTS,

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book:

Overcoming Doubts (Ka
khāvitaraī), Vol I: The Bhikkhu-Pātimokkha Commentary, tr. K.R. Norman, P. Kieffer-Pülz, W. Pruitt. Bristol: The Pali Text Society, 2018, 628 pages.

ISBN-10    0 86013 520 9
ISBN-13    978 086013 520 3

List price: £ 45.50

Overcoming Doubts  is the first translation from Pāli into a Western language of the commentary on the list of rules (Pātimokkha) for Buddhist monks (bhikkhu) and nuns (bhikkhuni) ascribed to Buddhaghosa by tradition. The first volume covers the commentary on the Bhikkhu-Pātimokkha. It comprises an Introduction discussing text, author, date, sources, etc., the heavily annotated translation and a Glossary of important terms.

This is the designated free book for sponsoring members for 2018.
Sponsoring members should please inform us within the next two weeks if they wish to receive a different publication.


Ms K. Wendland, M.A.
(Office Administrator)

Pali Text Society
c/o CPI Antony Rowe Ltd
Unit 4 Pegasus Way
Bowerhill Industrial Estate
Melksham, Wilts
SN12 6TR, U.K.

URL:    http://www.palitext.com

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