Question about Wisdom (paññā)

Message: 4916
Date: 2017-04-11

Dear all,

It seems that when mentioning about the wisdom produced from developing (bhāvana) that could lead human being to emancipation, we mean the wisdom seeing the ultimate realities (paramattha) not the conventional (sammutti).  However, in my opinion, there are probably several kinds of wisdom among which we could find some types only having conceptual realities as their objects.

One clear evidence is the wisdom accompanying with loving-kindness meditation state (mettā jhana).  Because the object of the conciousness of this state is human beings - conventional realities, of course - so that wisdom must also grasp those realities too.

Nevertheless, I am wondering whether it makes sense that wisdom could aware the conceptual which is not actually reality. In this case, I think one reasonable answer is that:  wisdom is the ability to see thing CLEARLY, UNMIXEDLY regardless thing is conceptual or ultimate.  When it is directed to conceptual, it will see conceptual clearly (for example: we could aware the breath clearly when we have high concentration level in the meditation of mindfulness of breath), and when being directed to the ultimate, it could see the ultimate manifestly.

Another evidence is that we also call the psychic powers as kinds of wisdom - those wisdoms could not lead to release.

Please kindly share with me your knowledge about this matter,

Sincerely yours,

Huỳnh Trọng Khánh  

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