About: maṇati
Message: 4720
Date: 2016-09-18
Dear all,
When looking up the Vinaya Commentary for the word "Veramaṇī", I have faced the strange word "maṇati" that I could not find in dictionary. I tried to derive its meaning, but there was not so much progress for me.
First, the word "maṇati" only exists in Commentary and Sub-Commentary by 10 times. However, there are only 2 cases of its existence: [1] In those sentences which relate with the word "Veramaṇi" and [2] In the sentence of the Commentary of Therapadana of vedikārakatthera .The details are as below:
[1] veraṃ maṇati vināsetīti veramaṇī <=> Veramani = one destroys hatred maṇati
[2] maṇīhi parivāretvāti maṇati jotati pabhāsatīti maṇi <=> having surrounded by mani-gems: "maṇati it shines, it lights" = mani-gem
It looks like that "maṇati" is a 3rd sing present indicative active verb. But the 2 cases show different possible meaning-ranges. [1] shows that it could be close to vināseti = destroy. And in [2] it seems similar with jotati and pabhāsati = light, shine
Please give me your advices
Sincerely yours,
Huynh Trong Khanh