Re: passage from Cūḷaniddesa

From: petra kieffer-pülz
Message: 4543
Date: 2016-03-11

Dear All,

thank you too, Chris, for the link. That's great.
There is another resource, the  Pāḷipada piṭaka-kyam.ḥ ññvhan.ḥ, Rangoon 1972ff.  starting with the letter  ya and going to the end of the alphabet, listing all references of a word, without giving a meaning. I got 4 volumes ending with ho.  This is helpful if one looks for further references.


Am 11.03.2016 um 03:20 schrieb Bryan Levman bryan.levman@... [palistudy]:

> Thanks Chris,
> It looks like they've got to the letter v-.
> If anyone is familiar with an electronic version it would be very helpful to try pasting it into Google translate and see what comes out. It looks like the most comprehensive Pali dictionary available, and until Petra sent in a sample, I didn't even know it existed. Perhaps we have to learn Burmese? I can read the script with difficulty, but I know nothing of the language. The Burmese monks have a reputation for great learning,
> Bryan
>      From: "Chris Clark chris.clark@... [palistudy]" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [palistudy] passage from Cūḷaniddesa
>     Dear all,
> Many of the volumes of the "Tipiṭaka Pāli-Myanmar Dictionary" also available for download as pdfs:
> As far as I know, the dictionary is not yet complete in that a number of volumes are still being written.
> Regards,
> Chris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> Sent: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 18:15:21 +0100
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [palistudy] passage from Cūḷaniddesa [1 Attachment]
>> Dear Jim, Dhivan and Brian,
>> I have several volumes of that Burmese dictionary. The respective words
>> are in Vol. 16.
>> I attach scans of the relevant pages.
>> Best,
>> Petra
>> Am 10.03.2016 um 17:13 schrieb 'Jim Anderson' jimanderson.on@...
>> [palistudy]:
>>> Dear Dhivan,
>>> There is a very comprehensive Pali-Burmese dictionary (about 20 volumes)
>>> which will probably have entries for the six compounds each beginning
>>> with
>>> mukha. Although this is not a dictionary that can be directly accessed
>>> by
>>> most of us, one of our members, Suan Lu Zaw (a Burmese native living in
>>> Australia), has, I believe most of these volumes. You could try
>>> contacting
>>> him at suanluzaw@... He may be able to help.
>>> I see that Bryan has a different interpretation from what I was
>>> thinking. I
>>> had the impression that the six terms were referring to oral sounds that
>>> imitate or mimick the sounds of particular musical instruments.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jim
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Dhivan Jones dhivanjones@... [palistudy]"
>>> <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: March 10, 2016 5:49 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [palistudy] passage from Cūḷaniddesa
>>> Dear Jim and Bryan,
>>> Thanks a lot for your replies. Jim’s reply helped confirm my sense that
>>> these peculiar, probably onomatopoeic words were not really much part of
>>> the
>>> Pāli literary vocabulary. Bryan’s reply helped me understand how to find
>>> out
>>> what they might have meant in their original linguistic context, through
>>> using wider resources. I’m left with a sense that we may no longer be
>>> able
>>> to understand these words in the Cūḷaniddesa except through the kind of
>>> intelligent guesswork or reconstruction that Bryan suggests. I am
>>> puzzled
>>> however how musical instruments played with the mouth are examples of
>>> ‘verbal play’ (vācasikā khiḍḍā), as they are not examples of speech,
>>> like
>>> making jokes, but rather examples of sounds. Perhaps this is to say that
>>> vācasika can mean simply ‘connected with sound’ as well as 'connected
>>> with
>>> speech’ (i.e. ‘verbal’).
>>> Thanks again, your help much appreciated,
>>> Dhivan
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