RE: On typing Sinhala characters

From: Chris Clark
Message: 4533
Date: 2016-02-26

Dear Jim,

I suggest that while in MS Word you go to "insert" > "insert symbols" > "more symbols", then locate the appropriate font in the dropdown menu ("Iskoola Pota" is the Sinhala font I use). It should then display all the graphemes available in this font and you can select the "o". Click on "shortcut key" if you want to give this symbol a new keyboard combination (this can be done for any grapheme).

If you use Windows, the other option is to download a language specific "keyboard". This can be done by searching for "change keyboard or other input methods" in the control panel. Then go to "change keyboards", then "add...". This is the option I prefer and I have one keyboard for Sanskrit/Pali fonts and one for Burmese fonts.

Of course, the exact methods to do the above will depend upon what version of Word and Windows you have.

Let me know if you need more help.


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