Fw: Two new publications
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3725
Date: 2013-09-23
Fw: Two new publications
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3725
Date: 2013-09-23
Another coincidence. This just arrived in my inbox.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pali Text Society" <pts@...>
To: <pts@...>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: Two new publications
Dear Members,
We are pleased to announce the publication of two new books.
(1) Kaccāyana and Kaccāyanavutti
10-ISBN 086 013 490 3 / 13-ISBN 978 086 013 490 9
List Price ĩ 36.00
Modelled on earlier Sanskrit grammars, the
Kaccāyana (or Kaccāyana-vyākarana) is the
earliest known Pāli grammar. Traditionally
associated with the Buddha's disciple
Mahā-Kaccāyana, it was in fact probably compiled
in the sixth to seventh century CE. This new
edition of the text and commentary
(Kaccāyana-vutti) is edited with an introduction
by Dr Ole Pind, and improves on the earlier
edition of E. Senart (1871), adding copious notes
and identifying quotations. It includes an index
of all words prepared by Dr S. Kasamatsu and
Prof. Y. Ousaka.
(2) Index to the Milindapañha
10-ISBN 086 013 500 4 / 13-ISBN 978 086 013 500 5
List Price ĩ 35.00
This is a comprehensive computer generated index
of the Pali text of the Milindapañha. It is
another in the series of indexes of Pali texts
prepared under the supervision of Professor
Ousaka Yumi of the Sendai National College of
Technology in Japan.
Ms Karen Wendland, M.A.
(Office Administrator)
Pali Text Society
c/o CPI Antony Rowe Ltd
Unit 4 Pegasus Way
Bowerhill Industrial Estate
Melksham, Wilts
SN12 6TR, U.K.
Tel / Fax: +44 (0) 117 923 8015
URL: http://www.palitext.com
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