New Publication
From: petra kieffer-pülz
Message: 3686
Date: 2013-06-16
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> I have the pleasure to announce the following publication:
> Petra Kieffer-Pülz
> Verlorene Gaṇṭhipadas zum buddhistischen Ordensrecht
> Untersuchungen zu den in der Vajirabuddhiṭīkā zitierten Kommentaren Dhammasiris und Vajirabuddhis
> Teil 1: Disziplinarrecht: Pārājika bis Saṅghādisesa (Z 1-132)
> Teil 2: Disziplinarrecht: Aniyata bis Pācittiya der Nonnen (Z 133-278)
> Teil 3: Verfahrensrecht und Vermischtes: Mahāvagga bis Parivāra (Z 279-469)
> Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013 (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Veröffentlichungen
> der Indologischen Kommission, Bd. 1), XLIX, 2708 p.
> The Buddhist Pāli canon of the Theravādin is explained in a series of Pāli commentaries, the aṭṭhakathās, dating from the 5th/6th centuries onwards.
> These in turn are explained in a number of subcommentaries, the ṭīkās, from around the tenth century onwards. The gaṇṭhipadas, "commentaries on
> knotty words", written in Pāli or in vernaculars, form a separate class of commentaries most of which originated in the period between these two layers
> of commentarial literature. Apparently they gradually developed from plain glossaries to elaborate compendia covering multiple aspects of the
> commented text. Only few gaṇṭhipadas are actually preserved to us.
> This volume of the series "Veröffentlichungen der Indologischen Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz" presents
> the first detailed study on commentaries of the Pāli gaṇṭhipada class. The focus is on two lost gaṇṭhipadas on the Vinaya, viz., Dhammasiri's gaṇṭhipada
> (ca. 5th/6th century AD, Sri Lanka) and Vajirabuddhi's anugaṇṭhipada (ca. 6th-10th centuries AD, South India?). They survived in the form of quotations
> embedded in the earliest sub-commentary on the Vinaya, the Vajirabuddhiṭīkā.
> The study is divided into three sections: (A) the introduction presenting data relevant to literary and cultural history, and annotations concerning the Vinaya
> exegesis; (B) the catalogue of 346 quotations from Dhammasiri's gaṇṭhipada and 281 quotations from Vajirabuddhi's Anugaṇṭhipada, quoted in context,
> translated and analysed with constant reference to other Pāli legal texts and commentaries; and (C) containing a Pāli-German glossary of important terms,
> a list of all sources of the Vajirabuddhiṭīkā, an index locorum, an index of words, and a general index.
> Kind regards,
> Petra Kieffer-Pülz
> _________________________
> Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
> Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz
> Projekt: "Wissenschaftliches Pali"
> privat address:
> Wilhelm-Külz-Str. 2
> 99423 Weimar
> Germany
> email:
> kiepue@...
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