Re: History of the aorist
From: kieffer-pülz petra
Message: 3568
Date: 2012-12-11
Hallo Florian,
if you read German you can download the older German version of Geiger's gramar freely from here
Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Forschungsvorhaben Wissenschaftliches Pali
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz
Wilhelm-Külz-Str. 2
99423 Weimar
kiepue@... (priv.)
Am 11.12.2012 um 12:25 schrieb Florian Weps:
> Dear group
> As I wrote in my introductory post, I'm a beginner, and don't have any
> knowledge of Sanskrit.
> In Narada's course, the aorist is just presented "as-is", with a few
> remarks that sometimes the base, and sometimes the stem is used to
> construct it, and that sometimes, an s is inserted, and sometimes, an a
> is prefixed.
> In Duroiselle's grammar the treatment is more detailed, hinting at a
> complex historical process leading to the Pali aorist.
> Collins' grammar is very terse on the subject of the history of the aorist.
> I'd be grateful for any suggestions on what's worth knowing about the
> aorist's development, and where to find out more about it.
> Kind regards,
> Florian