Re: World TIpitaka
From: Miyamoto Tadao
Message: 3172
Date: 2011-01-22
Re: World TIpitaka
From: Miyamoto Tadao
Message: 3172
Date: 2011-01-22
Dear Ven. Yuttadhamma:
The Chrome extension version of the World Tipitakaworks beautifully for me. That is, every character appears perfectly.
Thank you very much.
--- On Sat, 2011/1/22, Noah Yuttadhammo <yuttadhammo@...> wrote:
Just wondering if anyone actually downloaded the Chrome extension
version of the World Tipitaka linked to in my last post. If it is too
much of a bother to use Google Chrome, I can make a Firefox extension as
well. The reason for making an extension is it allows for the necessary
xml calls that don't seem to work with ordinary javascript. That and I
can update it like the DPR if necessary.
The method of browsing through the tipitaka in this extension is to use
the , and . keys to go back and forth, once you've opened a section
using the menu on the left. The shortcut keys don't work unless the
current section has next and previous links at the bottom, but mostly it
seems to be an easy hack to allow basic browsing through the set.
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