Re: Buddhaghosa's citations in Visuddhimagga
From: petra kieffer-Pülz
Message: 3148
Date: 2010-12-06
Dear Khristos,
the porana quotations in the Vism are found often with the same
source references in the Samantapasadika and elsewhere. Which of
these commentaries had been written first, and wether the younger
commentaries simply took these passages from the commentaries written
earlier in the 5th century or whether they quoted independently from
the original old commentaries (SIHALATTHAKATHA) has to be checked for
each quotation. The Samantapaasaadikaa at different places has long
passages in common with the Vism (Sp 157,10-158,15 = Vism
376,29-378,2; 158,16ff. = Vism 410,25ff.).
In order that you might see, what I meant, here some parallels for
the first two to three tenaahu poraa.naa.quotations in the Vism:
Vism 151,22-152,15 (tenaahu poraa.naa) corresponds to Patis-a I
231,17-232,2 (the whole passage is characterized as a quotation by ti
vuttattaa, thus the tenaahu poraa.naa also is taken over, and no
first-hand quotation)
Vism 206, 23-24 (tenaahu poraa.naa) similar to AN-a II 35,2-3 (only
the first verse, and no source is given).
Vism 206,23-27 = Dhs-a 298 = Nidd II 42(both with tenaahu poraa.naa)
Vism 206,25-212,15 = Sp 119,22-125,9 (first tennahu poraa.naa
quotation not marked, but second, Sp 122,17)
Each verse of such quotations has to be checked, since it maybe that
only one of them is quoted in other contexts. Furthermore one has to
check the whole context in order to see which text copied which.
Regarding the statement that the so-called Sihalatthakatha was
destroyed after the commentaries of the 5th century were written,
this certainely is not correct. For at least two of the early
commentaries, i.e. the Andhaka-Atthakatha and the Maha-Atthakatha we
have quotations in at least some texts (ca. from the 9th century
onwards) which are not preserved in any older text handed down to us.
Thus at least in some regions at least some of the early commentaries
were preserved and handed down even after the 5th/6th centuries.
Regarding the identity of the poraa.naa all statements are mere
speculations as long as the quotations itself are not investigated.
I hope, this is of some help,
Best, Petra
Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 2
99423 Weimar
Tel. 03643/ 770 447
kiepue@... (priv.)
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