Re: Paribbajakakatha

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3033
Date: 2010-09-09

Phra Yuttadhammo wrote:
> If there is anyone wishing join, I wonder if it would be proper to
> post progress here, as a means of prodding each other on?
> Jim is also memorizing the paribbaajakakatha and says he intends
> to finish the sutta as well.

Dear Members,

I've been thinking of starting a long-termed sutta study project for
the group and the Brahmajaalasutta sounds like a good one to start
with since it stands at the beginning of the five nikaayas. The work
of memorizing the sutta can be very much a part of the project for
those of us who want to take it on with the support and encouragement
of the group. While this is going on we can do some in-depth study of
the sutta with the help of the commentaries, traditional and modern
grammars, etc. With some details still to be worked out, it appears
that at some point Ven. Yuttadhammo will begin posting instalments of
the sutta, one paragraph at a time, in Pali and with a translation,
most likely the one by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

The Kaccaayana project will continue on as usual.

Best wishes,

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