Kc 28
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2898
Date: 2010-07-18
[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappa, Tatiyakaṇḍa, Sutta 28]
28. 40. Paradvebhāvo ṭhāne (67).
Saramhā parassa byañjanassa dvebhāvo hoti ṭhāne.
In some places, after a vowel, there is doubling of the following consonant.
Idha ppamādo, purisassa jantuno, pabbajjaṃ kittayissāmi (Khu. i, 340),
cātuddasiṃ (A. i, 142), pañcaddasiṃ (A. i, 142), abhikkantataro cando.
idhappamādo: idha pamādo; idha ppamādo (28); idhappamādo (11).
purisassa. Here there is the insertion of ‘s’ after the stem ‘purisa’ before
the inflection ‘sa’ (fourth and sixth inflection masculine singular). See
pabbajjaṃ: pa bajjaṃ; pa bbajjaṃ (28); pabbajjaṃ (11).
cātuddasiṃ: cātu dasiṃ; cātu ddasiṃ (28); cātuddasiṃ (11).
pañcaddasiṃ: pañca dasiṃ; pañcaddasiṃ (28); pañcaddasiṃ (11).
abhikkantataro: abhi kantataro; abhi kkantataro (28); abhikkantataro (11).
Ṭhāne ti kasmā? Idha modati pecca modati (Khu. i, 15).
Why say ‘in some places’? To prevent the operation of this rule in the
following: Idha modati pecca modati.
Counter Examples:
idha modati pecca modati. Here there is no doubling of ‘m’ after ‘a’ of idha
and pecca.
-- translation and notes by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004
-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 18 July 2010 (first
quarter moon)