Re: Mmd-p.t passage regarding Kc 1 (2 of 3)
From: Bryan Levman
Message: 2878
Date: 2010-07-15
Hi Jim,
I think gahita is used in the sense of "grasped", "understood", "realized" which
is quite common in Sanskrit, so the phrase, means, "...what is
understood/realized in that manner" or "... what is thus understood". The last
attha also seems to refer to the intendend meaning.
Best, Bryan
From: Jim Anderson <jimanderson_on@...>
Sent: Thu, July 15, 2010 11:36:26 AM
Subject: [palistudy] Mmd-p.t passage regarding Kc 1 (2 of 3)
Here's the second part:
na | sopakārattā tathā gahitassa || akusalo hi akkharapadanipphādanavidhimhi
dhātupaccayādīsu idamimassa rūpanti ajānitvā byañjanaṃ vināseti ||
vinaṭṭheca byañjane vinaṭṭhovattho hoti || naṭṭhe atthe naṭṭhāva paṭipatti
|| naṭṭhāya paṭipattiyā naṭṭhova paṭivedho || kusalo pana tabbidhimhi
vuttavipallāsena anaṭṭhāya paṭipattiyā paṭipajjanto yathādhippetatthasiddhiṃ
pāpuṇāti || Mmd-pṭ 44,4-9 ||
No, because of the very usefulness of what is likewise taken. For one
incompetent, not knowing "this is the form of this" with regards to verbal
roots, affixes, and so in the method (presccribed) for producing a word from
letters, causes the phrasng to get lost (or ruined), and when the phrasing
is lost, the meaning gets lost; and when the meaning is lost, the practice
gets lost; and when the practice is lost, the penetration gets lost. But one
who is competent in the method (prescribed) for this, practising in the
practice not lost by the corruption of the spoken (word) attains to the
realization of the goal as intended.
1)"tathā gahitassa" (of what is likewise taken) isn't at all clear to me
2) "the goal", or should that be "the meaning"?
The third and last part (to come) is the simile. While I was translating the
above passage, I thought of my own incompetence...
Best wishes,
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