Tibetan again
From: Bryan Levman
Message: 2858
Date: 2010-07-07
Hi again,
With the first Tibetan point, I omitted the first part of the phrase:
de dag thams cad ni bdag ma yin ("All those things, I am not")
"those things" refer to the five skandhas, past, present or future, internal or
exterrnal, gross or sublte, low or excellent, far or near, etc as per the text
in the Vinaya (iv, 13).
So to repeat, the three Tibetan phrases are:
de dag thams cad ni bdag ma yin/ ("I am not all those things")
bdag ni de ma yin/ ("That I am not" or "I am not that")
de ni bdag gi bdag ma yin no ("That is not my self")
Metta, Bryan
Metta, Bryan
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]