Kc 24

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2850
Date: 2010-06-19

[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappa, Tatiyakaṇḍa, Sutta 24]

24. 35. Sare kvaci (63).

Sarā kho sare pare kvaci pakatirūpāni honti.

When a vowel follows, vowels sometimes retain their original forms.

Ko imaṃ pathaviṃ vicessati (Khu. i, 19).

ko imaṃ. Here the ‘o’ of ko remains unchanged when followed by a

Kvacī ti kasmā? Appassut' āyaṃ puriso (khu. i, 36).

Why say ‘sometimes’? To prevent the operation of this rule in the
following: Appassut' āyaṃ puriso.

Counter Examples:
appassutāyaṃ: appassuto ayaṃ; appassut o ayaṃ (10); appassut  ayaṃ
(12); appassut āyaṃ (15); appassutāyaṃ (11).

-- translation and notes by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004

-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 19 June 2010 (on
the day of the first quarter moon)

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